2019年3月17日 星期日

Embrace my singlehood

Three weeks of holidays - been through the snow, the tropical islands and a glimpse of city lights.

I think I am ready for what the new life has to offer.

In the Nyepi Day, I also make a vow of not dating anyone for 3 months. And if it feels right, I can extend this commitment to myself for another 3 months or so. The world has so much undiscovered and so much to offer, and in comparison I don't think any relationship can really compare to that. (However, I'm grateful for what Mister had done to open this door for me to explore the world. And my parents of course.)

So I'm just gonna stay committed to myself for a while. Focus on the new job, new challenge and a lot of opportunities that will come along. Embrace what it is to live a life of a 23 year old. That's very important. I want to spend more time doing community work if my schedule allows, so I don't forget to give back to those in need, and perhaps one day it will open a door for them to admire the world fully like me.

The list goes on... so there's no room for self-pity and harming. A lot of things are waiting ahead for me. I just need to ditch the habit of 'finding the ultimate person so my life will be completed', that person perhaps does not exist. I will meet a lot of people who walks in and teach me new things, and once their time is up they will walk out. Just because they walked out, it doesn't mean that the relationship that was once there was meaningless - they make me who I am and I am still the owner of my life.

