2024年6月20日 星期四


Dear H,

I like you. I really really like you.

Although little, I enjoyed the time we had. The carpool to the lake, lying on the same blanket under the sun, the asparagus bouquet that we enjoyed chopping up into salads in the kitchen.

Perhaps there were times that I wish you were mine, but the thought of that quickly spirals into fear. 

Only if I was younger, I would have make it work. 

Only if my heart has the default capacity, I would have the tools to fix you.

Only if.

Yet I have to love myself more now. There isn't really other option.

So here I am, just mesmerising the only if's. The sunshine, the saltiness of your lips and your ice-cold hands. At least we had some good times.

Like the Persian poem goes:

Even after letting go
of the last bird
I hesitate

There is something

in this empty cage

that never gets released


Excerpt From

Lean Against This Late Hour

Garous Abdolmalekian

This material may be protected by copyright.

2024年6月7日 星期五



至少我會記得,那個明媚的下午,我們一直喝到晚上不願回家,我忍不住親了你一下,第二天早上還得應付AUDIT。還有那午後HOLLAND PARK的陽光和草地,廚房的約會,然而這些只是我想談戀愛的証據,我跟我的前任和前前任都有過類似的高光時刻,但不代表他們深愛著我,或者適合我,我只是喜歡浪漫,在特定的情況下,喜歡某些人的陪伴而已,不過如此。

2024年5月29日 星期三










2023年11月5日 星期日

Single Mom by Choice

 "Why doesn't Evelyn have a dad? Everyone has a dad," my 5-year-old daughter's friend blurted out innocently as she looked around our home, taking stock of the toy collection in the corner. It was her first time over for a play date, and I wasn't expecting this question to pop up within the first 10 minutes of her arrival.

Before I had time to consider my response, my daughter answered, "My mommy is my only parent because she really wanted me!" Her friend shrugged her shoulders, accepting this answer, and the girls bounced off to play.

2023年9月30日 星期六

